Sunday, April 12, 2009



it has been a month we never updated our internet access...
alhamdulillah ALLAH gives the victory to rakyat in the latest is clearly show that current goverment is no more relevant and accepted by the people..but...sadly, the current goverment still denying the fact..they refused to accept 'referendum menolak BN'..

new cabinet has been elected..i heard 1 funny comment from our new menteri belia dan sukan regarding his challenge in carrying his due in his new post..'saya akan selami hati belia..untuk mengetahui punca kemarahan dan tidak puashati di kalangan orang muda..tidak cukup tempat bermain kah..(?????) tak cukup pekerjaan kah etc...'

hmm..he still didn't get the message...i pity him.....:(

as far as i know, those who become the minister is a member of parliment..maybe there is an exceptance in 1 or 2 cases who loss in the election now elected as a senator and then become minister..yet this new and current cabinet a.k.a "kabinet rakyat" quite a number of the minister is not a MP..this poeple loss in the 2008 election, rakyat already rejected this what our new PM mean by "pembaharuan" he will bring to rakyat?hmm...weird though....funny i think...

as "penjawat awam" we are urged to be loyal to the government..yes..i am loyal to the government provided the government was lead by a trustworthy leader and he is LOYAL to ALLAH's LAW...

if not....

I as a malaysian who love my country have the right to say NO!!!

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