Sunday, December 19, 2010


As Salam

Setelah beberapa artikel kebelakangan ini saya lebih selesa menulis di dalam bahasa inggeris, kali ini say ingin menulisnya dalam bahasa kebangsaan kita sendiri. Walaupun sumber maklumat saya kebanyakannya di dalam bahasa pengantara kedua negara kita tetapi bukanlah satu masalah untuk menulisnya di dalam bahasa Malaysia.

Kali ini seperti biasanya saya tidaklah berminat untuk menyebut mana-mana nama atau di mana ianya berlaku kerana bukan orangnya yang menjadi masalah kepada saya tetapi isu di sebalik kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Mungkin ramai yang masih ingat beberapa minggu lalu negara kita 'digemparkan' dengan 'kejadian' sepasang suami isteri yang baru berkahwin. 'Masalah' dan 'dosa besar' yang mereka lakukan adalah berkahwin dalam usia yang 'terlalu' muda iaitu suaminya berumur 23 tahun dan isterinya berusia 'baru' 14 tahun. Hampir setiap hari isu ini keluar di dada-dada akhbar kerana 'besarnya' dosa yang mereka lakukan sehingga menteri kita yang menjaga berkenaan hak-hak wanita dan NGO-NGO berlumba-lumba mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak menyokong 'tindakan' yang diambil oleh pasangan muda ini.

Walaupun mereka berkahwin dalam keadaan yang memenuhi semua syarat yang diperlukan oleh undang-undang negara ini tetapi kerana 14 tahun itu dikira kanak-kanak oleh mereka, perkahwinan ini menjadi satu dosa besar yang tidak boleh dibenarkan berlaku lagi. Sehingga pada satu ketika, pihak menteri ini memberi 'nasihat' kepada pihak mahkamah agar tidak menjadikan perkara ini menjadi kebiasaan di negara kita. Secara peribadi saya tidak nampak pun masalah di sebalik perkara ini kerana semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam perkahwinan ini sudahpun memberi restu mereka dan bukankah itu juga dikira sebagai hak peribadi mereka?

Ke depan sedikit beberapa minggu dan negara kita sekali lagi gempar dengan penemuan video aksi lucah di antara dua kanak-kanak bawah umur di mana si lelaki dalam lingkungan 9 tahun dan perempuannya 11 tahun. Gemparnya bukan dari segi masalah kebejatan akhlak mereka ini tetapi orang gempar kerana ada yang berjaya memiliki video ini dan 'seronok' menontonnya. Kemudian satu lagi kes berlaku di mana seorang ibu muda yang mengandung dalam lingkungan 24 minggu ditikam bertubi-tubi oleh kekasihnya (diulang: kekasihnya) di rumah perempuan tersebut dan sedang tenat di ICU.

Kemudiannya, seorang gadis 14 tahun mati disyaki dibunuh oleh dua orang remaja lelaki yang juga lebih kurang sebaya dengan gadis itu. Dan jangan lupa kes GRO yang sudi menjual anaknya yang masih di dalam kandungan kepada pembida tertinggi. Ke semua kes-kes di atas boleh dikelaskan dalam satu kumpulan yang sama: isu jenayah seksual dan ketirisan akhlak. Yang tidak memeranjatkan ialah, menteri yang beria-ia mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan pasangan kahwin muda di atas tidak pula berkata apa-apa tentang kes-kes yang lain.

Apakah masalahnya? Saya melihat bahawa masyarakat kita kelihatannya lebih 'selesa' dengan kisah mungkar sehingga responnya tidak seberapa tetapi menjadi 'ketakutan' bila ada orang cuba untuk melakukannya dengan cara yang betul. Apakah beza akhlak di antara pasangan cilik beraksi lucah, remaja 17 tahun mengandung luar nikah atau kanak-kanak lelaki yang disyaki membunuh dengan seorang kanak-kanak yang juga lebih kurang mereka yang mahu terus berkahwin?

Kesilapan besar bagi kita jika kita mengadaptasi akhlak dan norma masyarakat yang berseronok dengan seks bebas dengan nilai agama kita. Namun begitu, melalui isu-isu yang terbaru ini, seolah-olah kita sudahpun berada dalam lubang-lubang dosa itu. Masyarakat kita perlu ada jati diri. Menteri kita perlu ada jati diri. Jangan mudah tunduk dan patuh kepada desakan norma luar yang bagi kita nilainya lebih buruk dari binatang. Biarlah mereka menganggap kita apa sekalipun selagi mana apa yang dibuat selari dengan kehendak agama. Saya tidak terkejut sekiranya pasangan yang berkahwin di atas tidak berkahwin dan beranak luar nikah, tiada siapa pun yang akan kisah kerana perkara itu bukanlah dosa dari mata norma jahiliyah yang diadaptasi kebanyakkan masyarakat kita.

Dan sekiranya ada pihak yang beria-ia mempertahankan norma-norma agama ini, pastinya ada bergerombolan manusia pula yang menyalak kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia untuk masuk neraka dan menjahanamkan diri mereka. Jadi bukankah orang-orang yang memilih untuk mengikut agamanya juga ada hak kebebasan itu? Atau hak kebebasan ini hanya terpakai untuk pengikut jahiliyah untuk mempertahankan diri mereka dari agama dan Tuhan mereka. Agaknya mampukah mereka menjerit hak kebebasan bersuara bila mereka di depan Tuhan mereka? Sememangnya saya pun tiada hak untuk menahan sesiapa untuk memilih jalan yang mereka suka dan bersuara tetapi mereka perlu faham juga yang orang-orang seperti saya juga berhak untuk berkata-kata

Termangu saya memikirkannya dan tiba-tiba terasa lucu.

Monday, December 13, 2010



Almost every day for the past few weeks, we have been bombarded with multiple surprises from the revelation by the Wikileaks. Even though I don't have the opportunity to read the site by my self but I do read multiple reports about it. Multiple countries have condemn in a strongest way and the biggest is of course our so called world police: USA.

I am not in the position to say whether whatever they said about our country are true or not but I do concern with all the revelations. To borrow the words from Wikileaks: our state is in a very confuse and dangerous state due to incompetent politician in power. In which ever side you are currently, all of us should be very concern with the very negative assessment about our country. Something must be very wrong in our country and obviously we can generally say that our leader is the mirror of the rakyat.

Are we so incompetent that we end up having incompetent leaders? Are we so naive that we are easily preyed upon again and again for the men in power? Or are we an ignorant lot that just swallow anything that anyone up there says? Are all the intelligent people in this country is not so intelligent in assessing the best for the country? Something must be very wrong here that we end up being mocked by our neighbor again. I am not talking that we need to exert our power (I even doubt we have the power) against our small neighbor but till when we keep on left behind to our industrious neighbor?

Once again the selective ways of reporting by the mainstream news line will do the trick for the government and multiplied the damage against the opposition. Fairness will never prevail in our system of information. It is our turn as the rakyat to really go and find as many information that we can get in order to have the comprehensive info.

By the way, do anyone know what is the different between penal code vs corruption or criminal breach of trust in Dr Khir Toyo's case? Why penal code not the other one? Any guest?

Saturday, December 11, 2010



On thursday noon, few of the staff in the our department talking excitedly about an UMNO program at Stadium Sultan Abdul Halim. They are talking about all UMNO members were instructed to come down and joint the program as there are thousands of goodies for flood victim that they are also entitled too. A bit surprise because either I am so oblivious about the program or it is specially arranged for those selected group. I can also be consider as one of the flood victims and my neighbours too.

Less that I care about a gas stove or another new mattress as I don't need both. The reason, my gas stove is totally not affected by the floods as there is nothing electronic about it. Just a good wash and it is ready to be use again. Maybe thousands of people in Kedah are previously using electronic kind of gas stove, I have no idea. For me, it can be consider as an obsolete gift. Mattres: maybe cause 2 of my mattress 'perished' with the flood. Still, I don't need it as I think it is better to give to others that are really in need.

I am a bit disturb as when I ask around, many of us don't know about it and I wonder what happen. The next day, the paper tell all about it. The picture tells thousands words. Our beloved PM came down to past the aid to the flood victims and announcing the intensity of the aid at the same time. I wonder where is the state leaders? Where is the MB or his EXCOs. Aren't they are the one that should be there together with Perlis MB, Datuk Johari Baharom, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid and all the UMNO bigwigs?

Aren't they invited to the program for their rakyat or there are two sets of rakyat in federal's point of view? Aren't 1Malaysia slogan is for all Malaysian? Why the discrimination? Is this program only for UMNO members? So why bother using the government money?

With my thought still bothered with the news, the DPM came out with another statement that can be seen as the current government policy about this. He said that development funds is only allocated to Barisan MPs and not others. It is not for Opposition MPs. Once again the discrimination and blatant use of power and no regards about fairness or whatsoever.

Is this the way to treat people as a whole? Are they dealing with kafir Harbi or a communist group or a militant? All the people are the Malaysian citizen too so why the discrimination?

Still wondering.

Friday, December 3, 2010



Quite sometime not writing anything in the blog. So much things happen but unfortunately i have no chance to comment about it. Foreign workers are always make headlines in Malaysia from the cheapest labor available in the country that can be 'bullied' to do anything in order to get maximum profits or runaway maids that giving headaches and heartache to thousands of Malaysian yearly. To like it or not, foreign workers are almost always at the disadvantage side of the society even though we try to rubbish it. We can't even give the best for the local workers (read: maternity leave) what can we offer to the outsiders. It must be worst especially the coolies and lower end workers.

Recently, someone up there talking about an idea to introduce compulsary insurance to protect the foreign workers in Malaysia. Eventhough the main reason is to reduce the high uncollected hospital bills from those workers due to unscrupulous, unethical and irresponsible taukes outside there but for me it is time now to really make this a reality.

It is high time now for the worker to be protected in this way as most of them are working in generally higher risk indutries in Malaysia. It is actually not a big deal for the bosses as it only takes another 200+ ringgit for every workers as to compare with the continuous profit that they can get from those very cheap and ever willing labours.

I read with disgust when one of the report in the newspaper talking about the objection from the bosses fraternity about extra burden that they need to carry that can erode into their profit. Those selfish lad outside there really make me crinch in shame. don't they care about their subordinates' wellbeing? Is this too much for them? I really think that they should act more humane and think about others too.

I am quite sure if we care about the welfare of those workers, the general view of our country will become better and left no bitter taste when all this guys left our country later.

Saturday, October 9, 2010



I am copying the whole article from The Star newspaper just to share with all of you out there. Even though it was described as shocking but I am quite sure that the outside world will interpret it as a disaster waiting to happen. There are lots of bad press about Sarawak outside Malaysia. Whether it is about illegal loggings, totalitarian leaders, corruptions, exploitations and many more.

Maybe many of us done believe it but I was also in shock when I read one of the article about Sarawak in the National Geographic Magazine some where last year that was portrayed as very bad and of course embarrassing. I hope this can be a good call for all those concern about this state that we all know is rich with all the resources but remain somehow a bit lacking behind comparing with the peninsula state.

Obviously, something must be wrong somewhere. This is total disaster. We are talking about 50KM of logging debris not 50 meters and we are talking about the big and wide Sarawak river.

Come on..Please do something

SIBU: Logs and debris, stretching for 50km on the Rajang river, reached Sibu town at about 10am yesterday leaving many people shocked by the scale of what is turning out to be an environmental disaster. “This is unprecedented and beyond imagination,” Environment and Public Health Minister Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh said after assessing the situation at the Express Passenger Boat Terminal in the morning.

According to a statement from the Natural Resources and Environment Board, the source of these logs and debris were from the Baleh River and its tributaries above Kapit. Several days of heavy rain earlier this week in Putai and Nu ngun in upper Baleh had caused a massive landslide which brought down the logs and debris into the rivers. The high water level and swift current in Baleh River and its tributaries also washed the logs and debris along their banks.

Passage hindered: An express passenger boat trying to weave its way through the logs in the Rajang river as it leaves Sibu.

Wong said it was a serious natural disaster which had caught both the public and government off guard. “We haven’t started to calculate the amount of losses and the damage caused,” he said, adding that once the logs and debris had made their way out of Sibu, the authorities would start to check the foundation of the urin and Lanang bridges. It was estimated by a sawmill manager that the volume of the logs and debris would be more than 300,000m3. The situation was worse around noon when the whole area at the confluence of the Rajang and Igan rivers was completely logjammed. Most of the logs and debris flowed down the Rajang while some of them flowed to the Igan.

The map explains the events leading up to the logjam.

The Malay villages which were built on stilts on the right bank of the Igan were fortunate to escape calamity as the logs and debris flowed near the opposite bank. Meanwhile, Land Development Minister Datuk Seri James Masing blamed unscrupulous timber companies for the disaster. He travelled up the river to Kapit yesterday and was disturbed by what he saw. “There is still a lot of debris, making travel unsafe. There are also dead fish in the river. It’s an ecological disaster,” Masing, the Baleh assemblyman, told The Star.

He said that this was the third time in three years – the first was in 2008 at Sungai Gat and the second in Sungai Tunoh last year – that such an incident had happened and he feared that it would have far-reaching implications on the state, particularly on the timber industry. He said the state government had laid down rules for logging but what was happening clearly showed that the rules were not being followed.

“I have gone around the world telling people that we are doing logging correctly. Now this happens. What will people think of us? We must take action against these unscrupulous timber companies.” He said the authorities concerned must take their job more seriously and enforce the laws stringently

Friday, October 8, 2010



My first entry for the month and I would like to start it with one of a very interesting experience that I encountered recently. May be not that significant for many but for me it is very near to the heart and should be a concern to all too. As my daily activities goes, counselling, negotiating, teaching and many other thing is just part and parcel as a professional like me. As a Muslim, everything that I tell my client must be something that as accurate as possible and I am trying as best as I can not to make any empty promises or false hope.

As a Muslim too, Insya Allah is a must when you try to relay your messages and I, will always try to say it whenever I see my Muslim client. InsyaAllah is a word that should be use with the highest regards to the God and I dare not using it if I just trying to play around and not being serious. Not to say that I am good but it is just a way of respect to the word.

When I use the words recently to one of my client, I was a speechless when the client ask me back "InsyaAllah? are you sure or not? Because this involves thousand of our money for a flight ticket". I was speechless because I certainly know what is the reason why the client ask me back in that way even though the client is a Muslim. I know that in our daily live many of us not using this words seriously. Most of us use the words just to buy time or as a polite way to say 'no' or 'never'. I am sure that many of us out there will be a bit sceptical when someone give an answer of 'InsyaAllah'.

Not that we don't believe the words but it is because we are using it wrongly for a long time. InsyaAllah is not use a word of commitment. It is not use to say that we are 100% depend to Allah. It is not use to say that everything is with Allah's permission. At the end of the day the soul of the words become empty and for many, meaningless.

In this secular world, we should start to use this word as it is supposed to mean. This is our prayer and a way to remind us that everything in our life is under Allah's permission whether it will happen or not. It is a way to bring us to the reality that we have God and stop our over reliance of human ability that is definitely Allah's. Instill the spirit of every single thing in our life is depend on Allah and why not we start with the proper usage of the word INSYAALLAH:)

Sunday, September 26, 2010



Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika seseorang yang fasik datang kepadamu membawa suatu berita, maka telitilah kebenarannya, agar kamu tidak mencelakakan suatu kaum kerana kebodohan yang akhirnya kamu menyesali perbuatanmu itu

Mari kita sama-sama renungkan dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Berapa banyakkah berita-berita yang tidak benar, separa benar, fitnah dan sebagainya berlegar-legar di sekeliling kami. Berapa banyakkah antara berita-berita itu kita terima bulat-bulat tanpa ada inisiatif mencari kebenarannya dan akhirnya kita dibodohkan oleh orang-orang yang ingin kita sentiasa dalam keadaan bodoh. Terbiasa dengan budaya hidup 'disuap' dengan maklumat, kita membiarkan diri kita diperkotak-katik dan diperbodoh tanpa ada keinginan untuk berubah. Terlalu selesa dengan budaya 'disuap' ini sehingga kita menafikan hak orang-orang yang teraniaya dengan cerita-cerita tipu oleh si keji yang tidak beradab.

Bukankah Allah telah memperingatkan kita dengan sepotong ayat di atas betapa pentingnya kita menyelidiki setiap maklumat yang kita terima? Bukankah itu adalah hak kita untuk sentiasa menerima maklumat yang benar agar tidak terjebak melakukan dosa menyebarkan fitnah dan menganiaya orang lain? Selesakah kita dengan budaya percaya bulat-bulat dengan apa yang diterima? Sedangkan budaya inilah sebenarnya menjahanamkan kita dan agama kita.

Sudikah kita diperbodoh-bodohkan oleh pencacai pemecah umat seagama yang sememangnya berfungsi sebagai perosak untuk kepentingan diri dan orang-orang yang ingin 'dikipas'nya. Sudah sekian lama kita membiarkan diri kita ini alpa dengan peringatan Allah di atas. Sudah sampai masanya agar kita lebih rajin mencari kebenaran lebih-lebih lagi dalam keadaan dunia kita sekarang di mana ia dipenuhi dengan manusia-manusia yang bertuhankan nafsu dan kepentingan.

Kita harus sedar, kejahilan dan sikap sambil lewa kitalah yang menjadikan kita lemah dan bodoh. Kerana inilah kita terus bergaduh, berlawan dan berpecah tanpa sebab. Kita terlalu jauh dengan Allah. Kita terlalu jauh dari peringatannya. Satu ayat inipun kita tidak mampu laksanakan dengan baik sedangkan hanya satu ayat ini pun kita mampu melakukan perubahan yang amat besar. Betapa ruginya kita yang jauh dari peringatan-peringatan Allah ini.

Kita harus renung ayat ini sungguh-sungguh. Jangan biarkan diri kita ditipu si fasik, si munafik, si kafir yang memusuhi dan ramai lagi. Peluang kita terbentang di hadapan untuk mencari kebenaran. Kita bukan hidup di zaman batu atau zaman dulu di mana maklumat sukar dan jauh. Maklumat cuma di hujung jari . Susah sangatkah bagi kita mengangkat jari ini untuk mencari kebenaran?

Tepuk dada tanya iman

Monday, September 20, 2010



I found a very interesting facts that I think should be shared with all of you outside there for the sake of justice in the mentally ill patient who are currently on treatment. It is a fact that is base on a thorough study of thousands of mentally ill patient but nevertheless, the perception and stigma towards the mentally ill person hinder the true facts about the illness.

There are few cases in our country that involve the mentally unsound people and cases that purportedly done by unsound people but later found to be not true at all. Most of us can still recall the kindergarten case where few children were assaulted by unknown assailant that initially was thought to be done by people with unsound mind but later noted to be not true at all. Mind you that majority of the heinous crime are not done by the mentally unsound but the one with sound mind but with the heinous heart. (read Sosilawati case).

According to Malaysian Psychiatric Association president, Dr Abdul Kadir Abu Bakar, people with mental disorder had the lowest potential to commit a crime, even lower than normal people if he /she are undergoing treatment. However, anyone that is mentally il but not being sent for treatment (read: bomoh treatment only) have 4 times higher rate of committing crime than the one who receive treatment.

It is vitally important for all of us to know that mentally ill patient should be properly treated instead of shun them away from the society. the success rate for treated patient is 80% and almost half of the people in our country with mental illness never get the treatment due to misconception and ignorance. We have a lot of stigma in our culture and life that bring injustice to this people. Give them the chance and be more responsible to bring a brighter future for them. I am confident that we all can do this

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This entry is dedicated to the mosque incident and the racial slur incident

Its happened that for the past few months I really don't have time to sit and ponder properly whatever happened around me and let alone write about it. Many things happened which i think if I have time, I will definitely commented. It is some sort of therapy for me to ventilate it this way as many things that happen around me are just overwhelmingly difficult to just let go and let it be. Maybe nothing will happen even i write in millions of words but why not?

The last issue that comes around is one of the most worrying things that happen in Malaysia. It is actually happen almost every day but lately, even in the holiest month in Islam that majority of the people in the country observe, the intensity and frequency reaching its peak and disturbing. One way of explaining this is maybe the general election is not far away and playing the sentiment is the best way to do it.

The culture of hatred and prejudice once again become the rule of law in the mainstream and definitely most of them who use this still think that this destructive way is the best way to win again and again. Incomprehensible to think that those people can even think in the way of the extremist and have the guts to use the name of Allah to let them do whatever things they want it to be. Real politic is the way for them again and nothing is sinful or wrong in the eyes of this people who never think about the long term consequences of their action to this holy religion. I don't even care whatever happen to their organization with this kind of mindless and barbaric ways of thinking but I do care about my religion. I don't care if their organization perish because of this but I do care when people misunderstood Islam because of the things that has been done by the so called Muslim but not doing it as what Allah and the Rasulullah says.

They should stop this. Don't embarrassed and victimized others with your action. Speak with the true voice of Islam and stop mix it up with your ideology and your politics. Do the people in power, please give me the assurance that Islam is not being use as the tool of oppression because it is not the way it should be. Islam that I know is a religion of peace and freedom. The more you embrace it, the happier you are and the safer everyone around you will be. Please stop portraying the religion as you like it to be. Islam is not a tool for you to be more powerful.

If this kind of people around, Islam will always be misunderstood as religion of extremist. It will always be when people with no respect and responsible towards the religion use it to rationalize everything that they do and give different interpretation as suited to them. Islam is not to accomodate their view. They should accomodate their view according to Islam.

Are they really a true believer or just an opportunist with and extremist mindset?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



Ramadhan comes again into our life with a lot of opportunities and a lot of advantages that we will never get in other months. Such a special months that Allah gives to us just to multiply the 'pahala' in whatever good deeds that we want to do and will do. A chance for us to give the best and make sure this is better than the previous years.

Ramadhan is just like a marathon of 30 days. For many of us out there it is a marathon that they are really waiting for and look for. Mentally and spiritually prepare to give the best for Allah with the high hopes of Allah will give them more in the afterlife. 30 days is too short for them to do everything and they pray that it will go slowly and smoothly so then they can do as many good things as possible. They pray that Allah will give them time to so everything and He will never take them just yet. They miss Ramadhan so much that they cry happily when it comes and mourn when it goes. Such a fortunate group of people indeed as Allah choose them to have this kind of feelings.

While another group is just dragging themselves into this month. Still try to do whatever things that they can do even though it is tough spiritually. They are not that strong but just trying. They like Ramadhan to come but at the same time hopes that it will go faster. They are just like a reluctant camper whom are not really mind to go all the activities but more happy if it is not there in the first place. They have the discipline but not the motivation. For them it is just a routine things that they need to do and go through fast.

The third group, is the one who will just do the minimum. Only the compulsary. No time to do other things and more concern about the month of Syawal. They are preoccupied with all the preparation for the Syawal and save everything for the biggest occasion for them. They are very happy if the month can go faster. They happily doing the countdowns to the first Syawal and spending all they can to satisfy their greed to be seen as the best when come the day. They spend without thinking when preparing for the iftar and most of the time will definitely leads to wasting. Their lust outdo their fasting and nothing can stop them.

And the worst of course a group who don't even care about the month. They hate it because it stop them from many things. They don't even care to do what should they do and will try to maneuver in whatever way to avoid doing things that they should do.

So, where are we?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Have you ever meet or come across with suggestively very young adolescents with typical skull caps or a songkok and typically young girl with tudung anywhere in rest area along the highway or petrol station or in front of the bank? With the same typical sling bags and rolls of calenders or ointment? With the same lines of 'salam encik, kami dari sekolah anak yatim bla bla bla..nak minta sumbangan ikhlas bla bla bla n bla bla bla?

Typical isn't it? Anywhere in Malaysia. Children from orphanage home come to you seeking your sympathy and a small token of helps with the typical same products as and exchange for the money that you give them? Have you ever notice that they are all very very young child just starting their adolescent life and put as the front line for their unfortunate condition of being an orphan? Have you ever notice the typical shyness, frustrated faces of being rejected again and again and the tiredness in their face?

Have you ever try to be in their shoes, trying to beg for help from unknown publics for the purpose of their own sake? Have you ever imagine how this small children feel to be there 'begging'? Have you ever think how on earth they end there regardless whether under the hot sun, crowded places at night? Have you ever notice that they are almost always standing and 'begging' anyone that they have the chance to do it? Have you ever think that they are not suppose to be there in the first place and they should not be given that kind of treatment?

Have something cross into your mind what actually happen here? Have you ever think that they are actually suffering there? Have you ever know what is in their guardian's mind when sending this children into the street? Have you ever think what happen to our welfare system causing this young children 'begging' outside there?

What happen actually? Can anyone enlightened me and ease the pain seeing this young child outside there?

Saturday, June 19, 2010



Lari sebentar dari isu-isu semasa dan kembali semula kepada satu isu yang sangat dekat di hati dan masih lagi menjadi dilema walaupun secara dasarnya sudah pun membuat keputusan apa yang perlu dibuat bila masanya tiba. Satu perkara yang sangat penting untuk difikirkan kerana ia melibatkan masa depan anak-anak kita dan pastinya perkara ini tentulah menjadi satu perkara pokok yang sentiasa bermain di fikiran semua ibu bapa.


Masih teringat lagi semasa saya masih kecil dulu bagaimana ibu bapa saya memberikan penekanan tentang perkara pendidikan ini. Ilmu yang dicari adalah tiket untuk menepuh masa depan dengan lebih baik dan tiada apa perkara pun yang mampu menggantikan tempat mencari ilmu ini. Ilmu adalah sesuatu yang sangat bernilai dan wajib dikejar walau bagaimana susah sekalipun dan walau banyak mana sekalipun cabaran yang perlu ditempuhi.

Ilmu adalah pintu kejayaan dan ketenangan.

Namun begitu, ilmu kini seperti menjadi medan untuk bersaing dan pertunjukan di antara satu sama lain sehingga mana intipati pencarian ilmu itu tidak lagi menjadi prasyarat dalam mengejarnya. Ilmu menjadi sumber perniagaan dan ilmu seolah menjadi alat untuk mendera anak-anak kita pada hari ini. Lihat sajalah bebanan pelajaran yang harus dipikul oleh anak-anak pada zaman sekarang. Sejak dari umur 3 atau 4 tahun anak-anak telah pun mula dipasak dengan pelbagai jenis pelajaran dan ujian dan kerja rumah yang pada zaman saya dahulu adalah dikira tidak masuk dek akal.

Anak-anak sekecil 3-4 tahun sudah pun dihantar ke 'sekolah'. Diajar A-Z, mengira, membaca, menghafal dan sebagainya bila mana secara peribadinya saya beranggapan anak-anak ini terlalu kecil untuk dibebankan dengan perkara-perkara tersebut. Bukankah umur-umur sebegitu adalah masa mereka untuk bermain-main meneroka alam dan bermanja-manjaan? Perluklah kita sebagai ibu bapa 'memaksa' anak-anak kita ke sekolah sejak umur kecil hanya kerana tidak mahu ketinggalan?

Saya tidak nampak apakah kelebihannya menghantar anak-anak pada umur terlalu muda hanya untuk memuaskan nafsu ibu bapa yang hanya ingin melihat anak-anak mereka kelihatan pandai dari rakan sebaya lain. Selalu terdengar ibu bapa mendabik dada anak-anak sudah pun pandai membaca seawal umur 3 tahun namun adakah itu sebenarnya cara mereka perlu dibesarkan? Secara peribadi saya menganggap menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah pada umur terlalu muda tidak jauh bezanya dengan penderaan. Inilah yang dikatakan sebagai penderaan psikologi

Bukankah lebih baik anak-anak ini dibiarkan menikmati alam kanak-kanak mereka dengan riang dan gembira? Saya kira tanpa ada kehidupan kanak-kanak yang baik mana mungkin kita mampu menghasilkan manusia-manusia yang hebat dari segi EQ nya. Anak-anak kita sudah cukup terbeban dengan sistem persekolahan rendah dan menengah yang sedia ada. Lihat sajalah orientasi pelajaran di negara kita. Semua adalah berorientasikan keputusan semata-mata. Dari performans para guru dan sekolah sehinggalah kepada performans anak-anak semuanya berorientasikan keputusan peperiksaan.

Anak-anak dihantar ke pelbagai jenis tuisyen samada anjuran sekolah dan yang dihantar ibu bapa hanya kerana untuk memastikan anak-anak dapat lebih banyak A dalam peperiksaan. Bangun seawal 6 pagi untuk ke sekolah, menggalas beg yang hampir sama berat dengan tubuh badan mereka dan pulang lewat petang sama seperti ibu bapa yang bekerja pejabat. Selepas sekolah anak-anak perlu pula menghadiri kelas-kelas tambahan anjuran sekolah. Malam pula diisi lagi dengan kerja rumah bertimbun dan tuisyen. Hujung minggu juga dipenuhi dengan belajar, belajar dan belajar.

Untuk apa semua ini? Semuanya kerana tekanan yang dihadapi oleh sistem untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak A dari sebelumnya. Apa sudah jadi dengan kehidupan anak-anak sekarang? Tekanan hidup seperti ini bukanlah sesuatu yang indah. Adakah kita merancang untuk menghasilkan robot tanpa jiwa dan kreativiti? Anak-anak hanya diajar bagaimana nak menjawab peperiksaan. Hafal, hafal dan hafal. Kerja, kerja dan kerja.

Berbatu-batu jauh bezanya dengan zaman kanak-kanak saya dulu. Tidak pernah menghadiri tuisyen dari darjah 1 hingga 6. Tiada tuisyen juga di sekolah menengah. Tidak pernah guru sekolah rendah saya menyuruh saya membeli pelbagai buku latihan. Sehingga SPM pun buku rujukan saya hanyalah buku-buku teks yang dibekalkan sekolah. Tiada buku rujukan. Petang tiada aktiviti melainkan bermain. Malam tidur awal kerana keletihan bermain. Tiada pula pernah saya perlu berjaga malam hanya kerana kerja sekolah. Adakah saya membesar menjadi bodoh kerana itu? Tidaklah pula. Adakah saya ketinggalan semasa peperiksaan UPSR, PMR atau SPM atau Matrik? Seingat saya, saya jauh ke depan bahkan mungkin lebih baik dari kawan-kawan yang ke tuisyen siang dan malam.

Bukan tujuan membangga diri tetapi adakah saya juga akan terperangkap dengan kitaran rosak ini dengan membebankan anak-anak saya dengan tekanan ini? jawapannya adalah seratus peratus tidak. Pendidikan bukan untuk menghasilkan robot tetapi manusia-manusia yang berhati perut dan berfikiran waras. Apa guna 20 A jika emosinya lebih baik sedikit sahaja dari robot? Apalah guna 20 A jika hidupnya terbeban dari sekecil 3 atau 4 tahun? Saya tidak nampak ianya berbaloi. Anak-anak kita dalah amanah yang tiada nilai gantinya. Mana mungkin kita sebagai ibu bapa mahu menyiksa anak-anak hanya kerana ingin berbangga dengan kebolehan-kebolehan yang pastinya akan mereka perolehi bilamana cukup umur mereka ke sekolah nanti.

Anak-anak zaman ini sudah terlalu terbeban. Tanggungjawab ibu bapalah untuk membantu mengurangkan beban mereka.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



I am not very sure whether this news come out in any other newspaper because I read this fro, The Malaysian Insider. A very alarming news that should be made known to all the civil servants out there in whatever way. It was reported in the internet news portal that 2 fifths of civil servants in Malaysia were suspected to be involved in corruption in 2009. It means that 418,000 or 41% of the civil servants are involved. To make it worst, majority of the civil servants in Malaysia are Muslims and majority of them are Malays. This is terribly worrying for all of us.

If this is true, this is very important for all of us to ponder what actually happen in our system? When the Cuepacs president came out with this statement, it could be quiet accurate and reliable. This people are the backbone of the governments. They are the faces and the bodies of our government. They are the one who are working for the sake of all Malaysian and they are the one who carry out hundreds of policies of our government. This is a terrible illness that can drag all of us into calamities.

If the machine is spoil, it can spoil everything in the system. Corruption means that there is no way justice and fairness can be carry out to the people. No way we can get the best from the system. No way they can be efficient. No way people will believe on them and no way they can deliver.

What has going wrong then? Why this kind of illness so rampant. 2 fifths is not a small numbers. 41% to be more clear. At the same time it affected all the civil servants. The way people will look at them will be totally different. Even the doctors that are consider the people with the highest rating of people confidence will be affected. If this is the picture, the whole system will collapse. It is such a terrible news for all the servants in whatever field they are.

The perception of the people will worsen and like it or not, they will be treated just like criminals instead of a respected government front-liners. They will be treated as bad as what the current government is suffering that is full of allegation of corruptions, cronyism, nepotism, unfair and whatever bad connotations that can be apply.

The fight of corruption should be the biggest war for the government. This corruption culture is too much for our small country. This is too much for our future generation and too much for all of us. We should do everything that we can to stop the rot. It is just unimaginable how good we will be if the civil service is corrupt-free. We can be a developed country with first class mentality in no time.

Should we all wake up from this nightmare? We all should. Stop the rot now and make this country a better place to be. Corruption is the mother of all terrible things in the world and we should hit it with all our might fast and hard

May Allah helps us.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Another latest show of arrogance by the Israel in the international water and another cry of unfair treatment with blatant disregard of other human except the jews.Another round of cries from all over the world about the brutality of the infamous and should I say the most powerful regime in the world. The untouchable. The 'great' jews and their 'country'. Abything that we could do? Nothing. Anyone will hear what we say? No one. Anyone cares? Maybe..

Toothless is the best words for what we are now. Powerless. Helpless and far from any possible lights of victory. Anyone could say anything about the way they treat our volunteers there in the international water? Killing them in a broad daylight for a possible threat? What threat? A kitchen knife anyone? I feel disgusted but as many of us feel: helpless.

Should we be proud with whom who gamble their life to be on board? Obviously. Should we pray for them? Everyday. Should we continue talk and talk about this? YES!! Should we give all the supports that we can effort? OF COURSE. Should we stand united? Yes, we should do this years back since 1940s.

What is our best chance now? Any of the Muslim world could speak and the Israel will listen or at least their best friend - the US? None. OIC? Not in many years to come. Malaysia? Our leader are currently fighting to deny that Israelis are involve in our defence system and it means: NO CHANCE.

Malaysian? Yes. They are better but how can we outdo the politician in this fight? There will definitely very minimal united front that can be shown by the rival parties except for a blanket statement. Divided again then? Of course. We are always divided by colours, parties, states, religion, country and etc. Familiar with the way we call our muslim friend? Indons, Banglas etc? Ring a bell? And that will be the answer whether we can do this as a united front: NOT IN MANY YEARS TO COME

Monday, May 31, 2010


Salam Dari keinginan yang membuak-buak ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang kewangan Islam, terjumpa pula pelbagai-bagai isltilah yang tidak difahami langsung tetapi penting untuk diketahui supaya lebih jelas bila perlu melaksanakanya. Tidak dapat tidak sebagai seorang Muslim kita hanya ada satu pilihan iaitu kewangan Islam dan kewangan Islam adlah yang terbaik namun amatlah rendah thapa kefahaman kita tentangnya. Mungkin terlalu asas tetapi istilah ini amatlah luas penggunaannya dalam transaksi-transaksi kita dan mahu tidak mahu kita perlu tahu. Perlu saya kekalkan ianya dalam bahasa inggeris kerana saya bukanlah seorang yang bijak mengalih bahasa tetapi bagi saya bahasanya mudah difahami untuk semua. Selamat membaca
  1. Bai' al 'inah
  • is a financing facility with the underlying buy and sell transactions between the financier and the customer. The financier buys an asset from the customer on spot basis. The price paid by the financier constitutes the disbursement under the facility. Subsequently the asset is sold to the customer on a deferred-payment basis and the price is payable in instalments. The second sale serves to create the obligation on the part of the customer under the facility. There are differences of opinion amongst the scholars on the permissibility of Bai' al 'inah, however this is practised in Malaysia and the like jurisdictions
2. Bai' bithaman ajil

  • This concept refers to the sale of goods on a deferred payment basis at a price, which includes a profit margin agreed to by both parties. Like Bai' al 'inah, this concept is also used under an Islamic financing facility. Interest payment can be avoided as the customer is paying the sale price which is not the same as interest charged on a loan.
3. Bai' muajjal
  • Literally bai' muajjal means a credit sale. Technically, it is a financing technique adopted by Islamic banks that takes the form of murabahah muajjal. It is a contract in which the bank earns a profit margin on the purchase price and allows the buyer to pay the price of the commodity at a future date in a lump sum or in installments. It has to expressly mention cost of the commodity and the margin of profit is mutually agreed. The price fixed for the commodity in such a transaction can be the same as the spot price or higher or lower than the spot price. Bai' muajjal is also called a deferred-payment sale.
4. Musharakah
  • Musharakah (joint venture) is an agreement between two or more partners, whereby each partner provides funds to be used in a venture. Profits made are shared between the partners according to the invested capital. In case of loss, each partner loses capital in the same ratio. If the Bank provides capital, the same conditions apply. It is this financial risk, according to the Shariah, that justifies the bank's claim to part of the profit. Each partner may or may not participate in carrying out the business. A working partner gets a greater profit share compared to a sleeping (non-working) partner. The difference between Musharaka and Madharaba is that, in Musharaka, each partner contributes some capital, whereas in Madharaba, one partner, e.g. a financial institution, provides all the capital and the other partner, the entrepreneur, provides no capital. Note that Musharaka and Madharaba commonly overlap
5. Mudarabah

  • A special kind of partnership where one partner gives money to another for investing it in a commercial enterprise. The investment comes from the first partner who is called "rabb-ul-mal", while the management and work is an exclusive responsibility of the other, who is called "mudarib. Mudarabah (Profit Sharing) is a contract, with one party providing 100 percent of the capital and the other party providing its specialist knowledge to invest the capital and manage the investment project. Profits generated are shared between the parties according to a pre-agreed ratio. Compared to Musharaka, in a Mudaraba only the lender of the money has to take losses.
6. Murabahah
  • This concept refers to the sale of goods at a price, which includes a profit margin agreed to by both parties. The purchase and selling price, other costs, and the profit margin must be clearly stated at the time of the sale agreement. The bank is compensated for the time value of its money in the form of the profit margin. This is a fixed-income loan for the purchase of a real asset (such as real estate or a vehicle), with a fixed rate of profit determined by the profit margin. The bank is not compensated for the time value of money outside of the contracted term (i.e., the bank cannot charge additional profit on late payments); however, the asset remains as a mortgage with the bank until the default is settled.
7. Musawamah

  • is the negotiation of a selling price between two parties without reference by the seller to either costs or asking price. While the seller may or may not have full knowledge of the cost of the item being negotiated, they are under no obligation to reveal these costs as part of the negotiation process. This difference in obligation by the seller is the key distinction between Murabaha and Musawamah with all other rules as described in Murabaha remaining the same. Musawamah is the most common type of trading negotiation seen in Islamic commerce.
8. Bai salam
  • a contract in which advance payment is made for goods to be delivered later on. The seller undertakes to supply some specific goods to the buyer at a future date in exchange of an advance price fully paid at the time of contract. It is necessary that the quality of the commodity intended to be purchased is fully specified leaving no ambiguity leading to dispute. The objects of this sale are goods and cannot be gold, silver, or currencies based on these metals. Barring this, Bai Salam covers almost everything that is capable of being definitely described as to quantity, quality, and workmanship.

Thursday, May 20, 2010



Tidak saya di sini untuk mengulas tentang hukum hakam di sebalik perkataan itu mahupun ingin menyatakan yang mana patut diikut atau yang mana tidak. Namun, ada sesuatu yang dirasakan patut dipandang serius oleh semua orang yang sayangkan agama ini dan sayangkan segala bentuk perjuangan untuk meninggikan kembali agama ini di muka bumi.

Tidak dinafikan bahawa di Malaysia sahaja kita mempunyai pelbagai pertubuhan dan pergerakan yang berteraskan Islam. Pertubuhan dan pergerakan ini samada berbentuk parti politik, NGO, extended usrah group, pergerakan pelajar, alumni dan macam-macam lagi semuanya kasihkan Islam dan bergerak hanya kerana sayangkan agama ini.

Namun begitu satu penyakit yang agak merunsingkan ramai orang ialah wujudnya sikap taksub dan persaingan tidak baik di kalangan mereka-mereka ini. Mereka menjadi tertutup dan tidak mampu lagi membuka minda mereka kepada idea-idea atau pendapat-pendapat yang dikira bukan dari kalangan mereka. Apa sahaja yang dikaitkan dengan diri mereka adalah benar belaka seolah-olah sempurna dan sebarang idea yang kelihatan sedikit bercanggah atau berbau kritikan akan segera dicantas dan ditidakkan dengan cara yang kadang-kadang tersasar jauh dari nilai Islami yang mereka ingin perjuangkan.

Sesetengah dari mereka akan terus melenting dan beremosi bila mendapati ada pihak yang ingin menegur atau menyatakan pendapat. Mereka menjadi marah dan sampai tahap sanggup pula menghina dan memperkecilkan pertubuhan atau pergerakan orang lain. Mentaliti 'aku sahaja yang betul' ini amatlah merosakkan dan mampu memecahbelahkan golongan pencinta agama. Pergerakan mereka semuanya cantik-cantik belaka dan apa yang dilakukan hampir sepanjang masa adalah mencari kekurangan dan cela orang lain untuk meningkatkan 'kemuliaan' gerakan sendiri.

Akhirnya, kita bukan melawan orang yang bencikan Islam tetapi orang yang juga kasihkan Islam sama seperti kita. Kerugian besarlah kita bilamana ini terus berlaku. Kita tidak akan mampu menjadi kuat walaupun kita ramai di luar sana. Jika dilihat dan dihitung-hitung pergerakan yang berbau ISlam di Malaysia sahaja, saya berpendapat kita sudah harus berasa bangga dan mampu tersenyum. Namun kita masih tidak mampu menjadi kuat kerana ketidaksepakatan kita. Masing-masing ingin menjadi hero dan jaguh dan akhirnya menimbulkan persaingan yang tidka sihat sesama kita.

Cuba bayangkan bilamana kita mampu bersatu. Segala bentuk dana, tenaga, masa dan kepakaran pastinya dapat digunasama pada bila-bila masa. Walaupun kita bukan dari gerakan yang sama tetapi matlamat kita yang sama sahaja sepatutnya sudah cukup untuk kita bergabung tenaga dan bersatu hati. Cuba buang mentaliti pengkelasan pada diri kita dan pandanglah matlamatnya. Pasti kita mampu lebih jauh lagi.

Jangan fikir kita sahaja yang betul dan orang lain tidak. Terima kritikan dan perbetulkan dan perkukuhkan apa yang kurang. Jangan mudah melenting atau marah bila kita dikatakan tidak betul tetapi cuba cari di mana apa yang kurangnya dan bergerak dari situ. Memang mudah untuk berpecahbelah tetapi bersatu bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil. Salurkan tenaga ingin bersaing itu dengan cara yang betul dan pastinya hasilnya haru dibanggakan.

Patutkah kita mula dengan berlapang dada dalam menerima kritikan? Saya berpendapat di situlah salah satu titik tolaknya. Semoga kita semua mampu berjaya seperti gerakan-gerakan lain yang boleh dibanggak di serata dunia. Insya Allah

Thursday, May 13, 2010



First and foremost, I should 'congratulate' the Malaysian government for the success of getting out with a 'tremendous' way of stopping the rampant illegal betting syndicates in our country by giving the illegal, the legal means. Not to forget also the possible huge income that can be generated from this means by taxing the profits of the business entity involved. It was said that the estimated worth of this illegal industry in Malaysia alone reaches 20 billion a year. That must be a significant income to the country.

As been reported in the media, the money that is generated from this tax can be channeled to further improve our sports facilities, trainings and what not, it will also able to control the other illegal activities that are mushrooming through illegal betting such as illegal money lending activities, gangsterism and a lot more. So this can be considered as a 'legendary' success by our government.

The 'rakyat' must be very happy also as the government at last has found a new income generating activity in the country to reduce the burden of the 'rakyat' and to reduce our dependency to the oil industry. I am 'extremely' 'happy' with this development.

Congratulation to the Berjaya group and particularly Tan Sri Vincent Tan for this joyous moment in their business circle. It was mentioned in the paper today that a 70% stake of the Ascot group privately owned by Tan Sri Vincent is worth 525 millions. After 20 years in the wild, they finally come back to Malaysia as a legal entity and obviously can recoup all their investment in no time. 'Fantastic!!'

With such a huge amount of money at stake both for the government and Tan Sri Vincent, no wonder the pledges and flak from the NGOs, political party and 'rakyat' turn on a deaf ear. The stake is too high to ignore and any argument should be throw into the garbage bin. Should we care for the possible negative development from this activity? I don't think so because according to the minister, this problem will be settled with the license that has been given. Very naive statement by a 'naive' minister. We should thank him for his forward thinking and novel way of settling a thousand of years problem/ illness of the people.

So what next? Prostitution anyone? It will definitely will generate millions of money also and let me suggest the possible explanation here: the tax money can be use to take care all the abandon babies in Malaysia.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



This is not a new issue but it is actually an ongoing issue that still not reaching the very end of it. Sensitive to say the least and at times, provocative. Sure, as a Muslim, the best way to handle this kind of problem is through 'hikmah' cause emotional outburst or comments won't lead to anywhere.

The issue of non Muslim one their voice heard talking about Islam is not a small issue. It is very sensitive in whatever way we see it and of course will bring out a lot of prejudices among the Muslim in general. Muslim are afraid of the voices of the non Muslim while for me personally it should not has happen at all. Why we should feel intimidated by their voices? Although we are not encouraging anyone to talk about Islam without clear knowledge, we can't stop them forever. Allowing them to voice out is actually one way of trying to understand the level of knowledge that they have and the way to know their feelings about us.

The freedom of speech is not something evil but the way they use it and they way we handle it that will determined the consequences. Of course we are not entertaining just anyone but this is our opportunity to further educate many of the people out there about Islam in general. I am very sure that Islam has the answer for everything. The only thing is many of us even up there in the hierarchy are not prepare to handle any issue properly which is unfortunate. Instead of becoming rather repressive of all the dissenting voices about Islam, we should go into the 'offensive' mode. By saying 'offensive' means we should be more effective in tackling any misunderstanding about our religion.

I am very sure that we have a capable Muslim scholar in the country that if they are given any chance, they will definitely become the trump card in developing the understanding of Islam. Let the non Muslim -even the Muslim- talk and the scholar explain. Explain in intellectual ways not emotional and I am quite convince that everyone will respect and understand.

We can't effort to educate everyone through the system but by hearing their voices, this is the good chances for us to make use of it. Of course with some help with the government, no one will feel insulted. The growing voices of the non Muslim who think they can speak about us can be turn into a very potent point for us in the long run. The end result, we are not only educating them and allaying their fear, we are also educating the other Muslim who also think like the non Muslim and misunderstood the religion.

Thursday, April 8, 2010



Di sini saya ingin berkongsi cerita. ia bukan cerita saya, tetapi ia cerita dari seorang doktor pakar berbangsa india dan beragama hindu. Cerita ini berlaku hampir 20 tahun yang lalu. Hospital Tawau pada ketika itu hanya ada seorang pegawai perubatan yang bertugas menjaga 2 wad dengan kapasiti pesakit pelbagai kategori maksimum 40 orang pesakit dalam satu-satu wad. selain wad, pegawai perubatan tersebut juga bertanggungjawab menguruskan klinik pesakit luar. hanya dia seorang..bayangkan..

Suatu hari, menghampiri jam 4.45 ptg, seorang pesakit berusia 8 tahun dengan masalah anemia baru sampai ke klinik untuk temujanji doktor. Pegawai perubatan yang masih muda dan berdarah muda ini mula naik darah dan terus memarahi pesakit ini yang datang bersama abangnya yang berusia 16 tahun. Hanya setelah itu baru dia sedar bahawa dua beradik tadi sudah keluar dari rumah untuk ke hospital sejak awal pagi. Mereka terpaksa menaiki bas dengan tambang rm15 seorang kerana mereka tinggal jauh di kawasan pedalaman sabah.

Tambah memilukan hatinya, si abang tadi bekerja sebagai buruh kasar di sebuah ladang dengan gaji rm6.50 sehari. Sebagai menebus kesalahannya kerana memarahi mereka, pegawai perubatan tadi memohon maaf dan mahu memberikan duit tambang untuk mereka pulang tetapi kerana sikap menjaga maruah dan bertanggungjawab seorang abang, mereka enggan menerima wang tersebut.

Sejak hari itu, pegawai perubatan tersebut belajar tentang satu perkara yang kelihatan 'simple' dan tidak penting tetapi hakikatnya memberikan impak yang besar kepada seorang pesakit iaitulah SENTIASA PASTIKAN DI MANA PESAKIT ANDA TINGGAL.

Kisah kedua berlaku setelah pegawai perubatan tadi mencapai status pakar di sebuah hospital di utara tanah air. Seorang ibu mengucapkan terima kasih kepadanya kerana melihat pesakit dengan cepat tetapi efektif sehingga membolehkan ibu tadi pulang bersama anak-anak dan makan tengahari di rumah. Makanya ibu tadi boleh berjimat belanja tanpa perlu makan di luar memandangkan dia datang dari keluarga yang miskin.

Sejak itu, pegawai perubatan tadi lebih berazam untuk datang seawal 6.30 pagi ke tempat kerja supaya dia boleh melihat pesakit dengan lebih awal dan pesakit dapat pulang awal ke rumah untuk makan tengahari.

Mind you, pegawai perubatan yang juga doktor pakar ini bukan seorang muslim. Berapa ramai dari kita yang mendabik dada mengaku muslim, mengaku beriman kepada Allah tetapi dari segi akhlak tidak mencerminkan mukmin yang sebenar. Saya sebak mendengar cerita dari doktor tersebut, membuatkan saya muhasabah diri, sejauh mana hati kita benar-benar ikhlas membantu dan meringankan beban mereka yang miskin. Sebaliknya ramai antara kita yang merungut terpaksa melakukan kerja hakiki kita. tak kurang ada segelintir dari mereka yang kaya sanggup pula menindas mereka yang miskin dengan mengamalkan budaya kerja yang tidak professional, rasuah dan pecah amanah.

Saya mendoakan doktor pakar tadi diberi taufik dan hidayah oleh Allah swt untuk beliau kembali kepada Islam supaya segala kebaikan yang beliau lakukan itu tidaklah sia-sia dan segala dosa yang dilakukannya terampun. Lebih penting, sekiranya beliau kembali kepada Islam, akhlaknya yang baik itu pastinya mencerminkan peribadi seorang Mukmin yang patuh kepada Tuhan Yang Menciptakan kita semua.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Interesting to discuss regarding the inaugural recipient of the anugerah biasiswa nasional that is considered as a performance based by merit and totally colour blind in Malaysian context. As colour is always being the daily culprit for almost everything in the country and of course the most difficult and sensitive issue, it is very important to stress that there is no colour element in this scholarship. (as per reported by the media)

Enough said that how many times they are trying to stress out that it is totally colour blind, there will be scores of unhappiness outside there that shout that it is tainted by colours. (again). So Malaysian.

For me, I would just like to hilight a few points from the result.

From the list below we notice that:
1. Majority are from sekolah harian and not from asrama penuh
  • Daily school: 17
  • SBP: 7
  • MARA JSC: 4
  • Religious school: 1
  • Private: 1
2. SBP and MRSM is considered as elite school in terms of selectivity of the student who enter the school. No other daily school can boast a highly concentrated high achiever in a school (if UPSR and PMR result be considered) compare with SBP and MRSM but somehow the so called high achiever did not translate to high scorer in the result. This I found a bit unfortunate because we are expecting them to do better due to the environment, the ability and their potency. Is this because they don't have the high quality competitor compare with daily school? I am not sure but one thing I found lacking was the spirit to compete due to the so called comfort zone in the system. I could still remember when I first entered one of the boarding school after my PMR, the first thing that I learn was, the one who enter that school will definitely go to the university and to certain extent, will definitely go abroad to further their study. Depends on how you look at it, of course my school was the best in the MRSM system during that time and almost every year the school will beat all the other MRSM but this is not the thing you want to hear first if you want to keep competing. This kind of comfort environment create an artificial sense of safety of the hassle of trying to compete with very best and definitely will left them behind in the long run. I, definitely very sure that they are comparable if not better than those high achiever but something must be done to make sure that their potency can be translated into a very satisfactory level of achievement. If not, there is no reason to pool them all together in a boarding school with the so called cream of the cream if the end result is nothing special. With counts of SBPs and MRSMs in every state, they should do better. Only 11 is a pittance number. What is lacking? Competitiveness. Motivation. Drive to excel.

3. The best part is could anyone figure out any of the said school below come from small district? small town maybe. Kampung? Remote area and any place that is far from big town? Ya, maybe three from Buloh Kasap, Matang and Tangkak. Any reason? Thousands can be said.

Here are the listed names
  1. Gladys Tan Yee Kim (SMK Green Road, Kuching)
  2. Grace Kiew Sze-Ern (SMK Perempuan Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya)
  3. Khadijah Ahmad Jais (SM Agama Persekutuan, Labu)
  4. Akmal Hidayat Sabri (SMK Derma, Kangar)
  5. Syamilah Mahali (Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Seremban)
  6. Amelia Lee Wei Ling (SMK Taman Melawati, Gombak)
  7. Nur Syuhadah Muhamad (SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Baharu)
  8. Lai Yin Kwin (SMK Tinggi Melaka)
  9. Corinne Gunn Huey Min (SMK Taman Melawati, Gombak)
  10. Hu May Khei (SMK Convent, Taiping)
  11. Muhammad Amal Aiman Mohd Yusof (MRSM Kota Baharu)
  12. Kuah Jia Ying (SMK Bukit Jambul, Pulau Pinang)
  13. Chean Chung Shen (SMK Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan)
  14. Ahmad Zhafir Zulkfli@Zulkifli (SBPI Temerloh)
  15. Goh Diangde (SMK Derma, Kangar)
  16. Ameenah Azman (Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Seremban)
  17. Erin Chuah Wei Yen (SMK Seri Bintang Utara, Kuala Lumpur)
  18. Mohamad Syukri Azmi (MRSM Kota Baharu)
  19. Muhammad Syafiq Kamarulzaman (SBPI Selandar, Melaka)
  20. Neelam Devi Nath (SMK Buloh Kasap, Segamat)
  21. Ooi Hui Lynn (SMK Convent Green Lane, Pulau Pinang)
  22. Nurliyana Sanusi (MRSM Kota Baharu)
  23. Gan Li Fang (SMK Tun Mamat, Tangkak)
  24. Muhammad Sallehuddin Mansor (SMK Matang, Perak)
  25. Muhammad Izzat Solihuddin (MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba, Melaka)
  26. Nurizzati Zainal Nazeri (Kolej Yayasan Saad, Melaka)
  27. Khairunnisa Che Bahrun (Maahad Ahmadi, Tanah Merah, Kelantan)
  28. Nurulaida Mohd Darus (SBPI Jempol, Negeri Sembilan)
  29. Loh Sook Yin (SMK Tinggi St David, Melaka)
  30. Malathy a/p Balakrishnan (SMK Ibrahim, Sungai Petani)

Sunday, March 21, 2010



Pepatah apa yang saya gunakan tidak perlulah untuk dipersoalkan tetapi mungkin sangat sesuai untuk difikirkan bersama. BUAT BAIK SELALU RUGI. Bukanlah ajaran baru saya atau saya terkeliru dengan penggunaan kata-kata namun seakan itulah realitinya dalam kehidupan kita seharian di dunia ini. Tidak benar untuk menyatakan pernyataan ini benar kerana kita sememangnya dijanjikan dengan ganjaran yang pasti dari Tuhan kita di dunia yang satu lagi nanti.

Mengapa saya mengemukakan tajuk inilah yang perlu saya kupas lagi kerana bagi saya adalah amat penting untuk kita sama-sama tinjau dan timbang terutama bilamana kita ada anak-anak yang perlu dididik dan dipandu ke arah jalan yang betul. Falasi bahaya orang baik sentiasa menderita banyak digambarkan di dalam rancangan-rancangan TV kita. Orang baik sentiasa kelihatan menderita di tanagn orang yang berhati busuk dan penuh dosa. Orang baik sentiasa ditekan dan dikhianati hari demi hari dan penderitaan mereka seolah-olah terlalu sukar untuk ditelan oleh kita sendiri.

Adakah ini realiti sebenar kehidupan orang baik? Saya sedikit skeptik. Menderita sepanjang masa manakala orang yang jahat sentiasa gembira, bersuka ria dan menikmati kehidupan dalam kejahatan. Seolah-olahnya menjadi jahat adalah lebih bahagia dan menyeronokkan kerana orang baik tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa selain berdoa dan berdoa. Walaupun benar si jahat tadi akhirnya digambarkan menerima pembalasannya tetapi mungkin penderitaannya hanya digambarkan dalam satu atau dua episod terakhir sahaja.

Jika dibandingkan dengan penderitaan si baik dari awal episod hingga hampir ke hujung, adakah terlintas juga di fikiran kita yang mana sebenarnya lebih baik kehidupannya? Bagi anak-anak kecil yang sedang dalam proses belajar untuk hidup, ini bukanlah sesuatu yang ingin kita sogokkan kepada mereka. Bilamana kita cuba mendidik mereka bahaya buat baik dibalas baik dan buat jahat dibalas buruk oleh Tuhan, mereka didedahkan pula dengan idea yang berbeza di kaca TV. Cuba kita tinjau siri drama yang ada di TV sekarang, adakah kita berjumpa dengan satu drama yang menggambarkan kebahagiaan orang yang berbuat baik? Kadanag-kadang sahaja.

Saya mungkin segolongan kecil yang tidak mampu untuk bersetuju dengan pendekatan drama sebegini kerana bagi saya dengan pengaruh TV yang ada sekarang ini, ia adalah salah satu media yang sangat poten dalam mempengaruhi generasi baru kita. Pernahkah kita terlintas bahawa pengaruh ini bakal menggagalakan usaha kita mendidik anak dengan baik? Jika diri kita sekalipun, tanpa ada kefahaman akhirat, adakah kita sanggup menjadi orang baik jika sebegitu buruk akibatnya di dunia ini?

Orang baik lemah, orang jahat kuat. Orang baik mudah tertipu, orang jahat bijak dan licik. Orang baik miskin, orang jahat kaya raya. Orang baik hamba, orang jahat tuan. Orang jahat senang lenang, orang baik melarat dan merana. Mana lebih baik di kaca mata anak-anak? sama-samalah kita fikirkan.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



ingin membawa satu isu menarik yang saya rasa patut dikongsi bersama sebagai satu perkara yang perlu difikirkan oleh semua orang dan sebagai satu iktibar. Mungkin pembuangan bayi dan penderaan kanak-kanak bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang luar biasa di negara kita dan perbuatan hina ini sentiasa mendapat tempat di media-media masa mahupun internet dan sebagainya. Dikupas dan diulas secara panjang lebar. dikaji dan dikaji sehingga tidak tahu yang mana hujung dan yang mana pangkal kerana perkara yang sama tetap berlaku saban hari dan saban tahun. Mungkin perangai busuk ala Yahudi ini bukanlah sesuatu yang sangat serius untuk ditangani secara keras tidaklah mampu saya mentelahnya.

Satu lagi golongan yang mungkin terabai dan tidak kedengaran suara mereka kerana sememangnya tidak waras pun untuk bersuara. Dan jika sekiranya boleh bersuara sekalipun, suara mereka tidak diambil kisah kerana mereka sudahpun dilabel si gila yang tidak boleh dipakai kata-katanya. Mungkin tidaklah begitu ketara kerana tiada siapa pun yang mahu mewakili mereka kerana mungkin kerana tiada apa-apa manfaat yang boleh diperolehi dari si gila-si gila ini. Pernahkah anda melihat orang-orang yang tidak waras yang berkeliaran di mana-mana pun? Pernahkah anda terfikir di manakah keluarga mereka ini sehingga sanggup membiarkan sahaja manusia-manusia ini terus tenggelam dalam dunia mereka? Pernahkah anda terfikir yang mereka ini juga sebenarnya adalah orang-orang yang mungkin telah dibuang keluarga seperti juga bayi-bayi itu?

Orang gila di negara kita masih belum mencapai satu tahap bahawa mereka juga patut dihormati dan mempunyai hak mereka. Kerana tebalnya prasangka dan negativiti terhadap golongan ini menyebabkan tiada siapa pun kisah kecuali jika sekiranya mereka mengganggu orang lain. Itupun bukannya mereka dibantu dengan baik, bahkan mereka dilayan seperti sampah dan dihna dan dikritik seperti tiada nilai. Kekadang jika dilihat baik-baik, layanan terhadap mereka ini lebih teruk dari si penagih atau mana-mana penjenayah sekalipun. Mereka dianggap tiada nilai kerana tiada 'suara'.

Pernah berjumpa dengan keluarga yang ingin terus membuang golongan ini bila mana mereka mendapat peluang. Mereka seboleh-boleh tidak mahu ada kaitan lagi dengan si gila ini dan jika boleh mahu 'melenyapkan' terus orang-orang ini dari salasilah keluarga mereka. Banyak sebabnya: kerana malu jika dikaitkan dengan si gila, takut dan taboo masyarakat, kononnya renyah menjaga mereka dan sebagainya. Pelbagai alasan digunakan untuk memastikan mereka tidak perlu lagi bertanggungjawab. Jika ada pusat mental, mereka mahu hantar ke sana sehingga sigila ini mati di sana. Ingin dihantar jauh-jauh agar si gila tidak mungkin mampu balik. Mahu lakukan segala-galanya asalkan mereka selesa.

Penyakit gila ini menjadi racun bagi waris-waris mereka. Mereka geli dan terasa terhina kerana dikaitkan dengan si gila. Mereka benci si gila kerana si gila itu gila walaupun mungkin si gila itu ibu, ayah, anak, adik, abang atau kakak mereka sendiri. gila boleh memutuskan silaturrahim sedangkan apalah salah mereka ditakdirkan gila. Ini bukan penyakit yang dicari seperti si penagih dadah atau si pengguna pelacur atau si homoseks. Namun mereka tidak pun dianggap manusia lagi. Tiada siapa mahu kisah menjaga dan menghantar mereka untuk dirawat. Jika dihantar pun hanya ketika si gila membuat masalah.

Tiada siapa yang benar-benar mahu menjaga kebajikan si gila dari segi ubatnya. sedangkan dengan ubat si gila ini mungkin boleh kembali warasnya dan mungkin boleh membantu mereka juga. Bila mereka buat hal, barulah terhegeh-hegeh mencari rawatan di hospital. Kadang-kadang bukannya kerana ingin mendapatkan rawatan sangat tetapi untuk mencampak si gila ke wad-wad gila agar mereka selesa di rumah. Bila diminta kerjasama dalam merawat mulalah bersilat gayung dengan orang yang ingin merawat seolah tanggungjawab untuk menjaga orang gila adalah tanggungjawab perawat dan tiada kena mengena langsung dengan mereka.

Adilkah layanan sebegini terhadap mereka? Sama-samalah kita fikirkan.

Thursday, March 4, 2010



The hottest topic in Malaysia (again) is politic (actually everyday) and the most sensational current issue is the resignation of three MPs from their party to be 'independent'. Why I put the word in apostrophe can be easily predicted because as we all know everyone who is claiming they are independent when resigning from a party is actually become the 'friendly' MPs for another party.

Of course there is many reason for them to declare as independent instead of joining any particular party as for me nothing more their personal interest in the future to come. We have a very good example of an independent MP from one of the east coast country in Malaysia who remain 'independent' and shouting just like the other MPs and representative from another party. Shame with their act? Not really.

One thing struck my mind when seeing their faces declaring their 'noble' act in the TV and papers. I don't hate them if that is the word that most of us will use but instead of hatred I feel pity of them and their act altogether. Those are the people who is willing to throw everything when they are trying to grab the power and when they are promised so. And yet these are the people who are easily swayed and directed by their own weaknesses and their own hunger.

Someone call them Munafiq but I am not in the position to say that. Those are the people who have no basic foundation for what actually they are fighting for. They are clueless and they have no strong stand to wade off any kind of advances by their rival. They can be easily swayed because they thought even they change their stand, nothing will happen to them or others. They can easily be influence by circumstances and opportunities. No basic principle to fight for and therefore nothing for them to lose.

All the Malay MPs say they do this because of the Allah issue but I feel a bit fishy about this. What do they mean by using that statement? They are not from a party that fight for Islam and not going to another party who is consistently fighting for Islam too. So why on earth they are using that issue in the first place? one similarities can be found here with the so called party who fight for the Malay and then only Islam. Indirectly, actually they are trying to tell the people out there that they are joining that party even though that party has no answer about the issue.

Something to be learned from here. Whenever you want to fight for something, make sure you fight it for the sake of Islam. Fight it for Allah and for the beloved Rasul. Fighting without this in mind will only portray you as a hypocrite who will do whatever you want without thinking the feeling of thousands of people that you have betrayed. Pitiful.