Monday, December 13, 2010



Almost every day for the past few weeks, we have been bombarded with multiple surprises from the revelation by the Wikileaks. Even though I don't have the opportunity to read the site by my self but I do read multiple reports about it. Multiple countries have condemn in a strongest way and the biggest is of course our so called world police: USA.

I am not in the position to say whether whatever they said about our country are true or not but I do concern with all the revelations. To borrow the words from Wikileaks: our state is in a very confuse and dangerous state due to incompetent politician in power. In which ever side you are currently, all of us should be very concern with the very negative assessment about our country. Something must be very wrong in our country and obviously we can generally say that our leader is the mirror of the rakyat.

Are we so incompetent that we end up having incompetent leaders? Are we so naive that we are easily preyed upon again and again for the men in power? Or are we an ignorant lot that just swallow anything that anyone up there says? Are all the intelligent people in this country is not so intelligent in assessing the best for the country? Something must be very wrong here that we end up being mocked by our neighbor again. I am not talking that we need to exert our power (I even doubt we have the power) against our small neighbor but till when we keep on left behind to our industrious neighbor?

Once again the selective ways of reporting by the mainstream news line will do the trick for the government and multiplied the damage against the opposition. Fairness will never prevail in our system of information. It is our turn as the rakyat to really go and find as many information that we can get in order to have the comprehensive info.

By the way, do anyone know what is the different between penal code vs corruption or criminal breach of trust in Dr Khir Toyo's case? Why penal code not the other one? Any guest?

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