Monday, January 3, 2011


As Salam

It is common practice nowadays in our country or maybe globally, people are trying too hard to convince others to buy whatever they think are right. Whether it is about their ideology, products or whatsoever, people are trying their level best to convince other to the edge blatantly annoying and piss others of.

Same to do with our political scenario nowadays where people try to convince other with whatever they have to convince that they are the saint and the other site are the big demons. Try to read the mainstream medias or tabloid and you will understand what I mean by this. Telling the truth, watching the RTM or TV3 news will definitely pissed me off nowadays as the extent of their effort to demonise other while giving the picture like they are the saints is too much for me to bear. There is no more impartiality in their reporting and makes you wonder are we dealing with human with the vulnerability of doing something wrong or we have a totally different level of human manning our country right now. Like the prophet?

This is not because I am a pro-opposition but as a Malaysian, I think we deserved to hear a well balanced kind of reporting that excessively lacking wherever you try to get the information from one media. Everyday, we need to read more than one resources just to get the clearer view of an issue. A single source means we will end up having a tunnel vision just like many Malaysian out there that don't have the luxury of getting info from other resources. Don't we deserve to be treated like normal human being not like a group of moron who knows nothing about the world than?

Nowadays, I think, Malaysian as a whole are fast becoming more info savvy and they should stop treating us like a spoon-fed 2 years old toddlers. A more balanced reporting will definitely give a better perception towards the current government policies and information dissemination. A tunnel vision kind of information will definitely drive many of us off from the government instead of making us stay with them. Unfairness will only leads to their demise instead of power. They should start to act like a group of man with brains not just a low IQ tool of the government.

Media is the image of the current government and if many of us see them as a below intellectual kind of institution, the kind of image will definitely goes to the government. We know that this kind of approaches are very useful to the rural and less connected people as they don't have the kind of choices that we have but until when they want to continue be like this? They should be more gentleman and it will definitely win hearts. Don't be cowed by your own shadow and be realistic and embraced the world with eyes wide open.

Unfairness even in reporting will only leads to feeling of injustice. It will further breeds hatred and sense of revenge an the vicious cycle will continue to go on an on and on. The culture of blackmailing, stabbing, sabotaging and manipulating will go nowhere except destruction of a civilization. Only the uncivilized will keep on hanging on this kind of mentality and definitely people will choose the more civilized one in the future.

Something for them to ponder or maybe they can just continue their act and wait for their own demise.


  1. salam. that's right Dr Rostam. saluran media di malaysia x telus... tapi, saya yakin, semakin hari semakin ramai anak-anak indigo yang akan bangkit untuk menegak kebenaran.... (^_^).

    minta izin untuk ana post kan coretan anta pada shbt ye.. jzk
