Thursday, March 4, 2010



The hottest topic in Malaysia (again) is politic (actually everyday) and the most sensational current issue is the resignation of three MPs from their party to be 'independent'. Why I put the word in apostrophe can be easily predicted because as we all know everyone who is claiming they are independent when resigning from a party is actually become the 'friendly' MPs for another party.

Of course there is many reason for them to declare as independent instead of joining any particular party as for me nothing more their personal interest in the future to come. We have a very good example of an independent MP from one of the east coast country in Malaysia who remain 'independent' and shouting just like the other MPs and representative from another party. Shame with their act? Not really.

One thing struck my mind when seeing their faces declaring their 'noble' act in the TV and papers. I don't hate them if that is the word that most of us will use but instead of hatred I feel pity of them and their act altogether. Those are the people who is willing to throw everything when they are trying to grab the power and when they are promised so. And yet these are the people who are easily swayed and directed by their own weaknesses and their own hunger.

Someone call them Munafiq but I am not in the position to say that. Those are the people who have no basic foundation for what actually they are fighting for. They are clueless and they have no strong stand to wade off any kind of advances by their rival. They can be easily swayed because they thought even they change their stand, nothing will happen to them or others. They can easily be influence by circumstances and opportunities. No basic principle to fight for and therefore nothing for them to lose.

All the Malay MPs say they do this because of the Allah issue but I feel a bit fishy about this. What do they mean by using that statement? They are not from a party that fight for Islam and not going to another party who is consistently fighting for Islam too. So why on earth they are using that issue in the first place? one similarities can be found here with the so called party who fight for the Malay and then only Islam. Indirectly, actually they are trying to tell the people out there that they are joining that party even though that party has no answer about the issue.

Something to be learned from here. Whenever you want to fight for something, make sure you fight it for the sake of Islam. Fight it for Allah and for the beloved Rasul. Fighting without this in mind will only portray you as a hypocrite who will do whatever you want without thinking the feeling of thousands of people that you have betrayed. Pitiful.

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